
Nourish by Kat Burki

Summer vibrations, and the ensuing social events, can often lead to increased consumption of negronis, margaritas and all things alcoholic. In moderation, this can add to the jovial atmosphere and fun summer spirit; however, if skin health is a priority for you, it is important to understand the negative effects that alcohol can have on the quality and appearance of your skin, and what you can do to combat it.
  • 2 min read
Move over Botox - there is a new kid in town - FACE YOGA is the new alternative, promising to help you achieve younger, healthier looking skin - no needles required.
  • 5 min read
Sunlight is an enormous part of our daily well-being. It energizes us, improves our mood and synthesizes vitamin D in our skin - the hormone-like vitamin that supports the healthy functioning of so many of our body systems. However, we know that intense exposure to UVA/B radiation from the sun can also damage our skin and, over time, this can contribute to accelerated aging. For all skin tones, safe sun exposure and a non-toxic SPF used daily is essential for outer skin protection. For inside-out protection, specific supplements can also be beneficial in strengthening the skin’s defenses, and are a great complementary solution to your skincare routine.
  • 3 min read
We gathered a group of women who sparkle and shine, and clearly prove that we can all love life at any age. Ranging from 17-75 years old, we celebrate them in this stunning selection of portraits.
  • 2 min read
As a holistic mother, navigating the perimenopause in this Covid climate was extremely stressful. I found myself turning to nature for its healing aspects. Pond swimming has been an ecstatic awakening, and, being a Reflexologist, I was naturally drawn to the healing aspects of grounding, which is the practice of walking barefoot on the earth, whether it be sand, dirt or grass. I mean, our ancestors did it for thousands of years. There is something so primal about connecting to our innate immune system, through walking barefoot in nature. 
  • 3 min read
Those who have known us, and have cared about us, have become our cheering sections, as well as our peanut galleries; or in their opinions, ‘voices of reason.’ However, do those external voices help us, or hurt us? Do those external opinions become our internal critics? The more important question is, how have we, and do we continue to, absorb and process those external opinions?
  • 5 min read
What you put on your skin is important, but that’s not the only thing that affects its health. According to Ayurveda, to truly heal and nourish your skin, you must work from the outside-in, and consider how your system is processing toxins.
  • 4 min read
All the symptoms associated with allergies like eczema, asthma and hay fever are signs of internal inflammation, including redness, swelling, and itching. Thus, in order to get rid of the allergies, you have to get rid of the inflammation and hyperreactivity in the body. The place to start, as with so many things, is in your gut, and caring for your gut is essential for a strong and healthy immune system!
  • 7 min read
Continuing from Part Two, we look at other causes and issues around immune responses, and give some delicious and nutritious recipes to assist.
  • 6 min read
Continuing from Part One, we look at other causes and issues around immune responses, and give some delicious and nutritious recipes to assist.
  • 6 min read
am now halfway through this wondrous journey known as Kundalini Yoga Teacher Training - KYTT200HR - and I must say, with a big smile that radiates throughout my entire face, and somehow has me as enlivened as is Sacha Baron Cohen’s Borat when he gleefully says; “I like”; 
  • 6 min read
Our immune systems are truly amazing, every day keeping alert for foreign pathogens in the body. On occasion, they must suddenly identify, and respond correctly to, any of the countless enemy microbes that may be trying to invade.
  • 8 min read
