
Nourish by Kat Burki

Not just another buzzword in the skincare world, PH levels have a pretty significant impact on your skin’s overall health, with lasting effects (positive or negative).
  • 3 min read
Rising temperatures, stronger sunrays and heightened activity are all signs that summer has arrived, but they’re also three reasons you should be reevaluating your skincare routine for the season. Sweat clogs your pores. Breakouts become more common. UV rays are an even bigger threat. Feel prepared to take on these skin challenges with simple shifts in your daily routine. Just a few tweaks to your routine can help make these changes easily, keeping summer stress-free.
  • 4 min read

A simple reboot of your skin care routine can help fight fine lines, and soften wrinkles, to achieve smoother skin. Kat Burki (eponymous founder of Kat Burki Skincare) and Darac (KBS' Head of Education) school us on the science behind the best skincare routine to combat the signs of aging, focusing specifically on the optimal ingredient combinations of botanicals.

  • 3 min read
Energy is the embodiment of life's magic, and also mystery. Usually invisible to the naked eye, its expansive effects hold infinite power. Every living cell needs energy to function; to overlook how it connects to mind, body and spirit, is to stop at the surface of things, and miss a galaxy of meaning. During the pandemic, the CDC advised us to socially distance by 6 feet, far enough not to catch the germs of others, they said. Although, when it comes to not catching the energy of others, the solution isn't nearly so simple.
  • 4 min read
Whether you’re skincare-curious or have your routine down to a science, you know Vitamin C has some major perks. But what exactly does it do, and what makes Kat Burki’s STAY-C® different? We’re here to tell you everything you need to know, and make some recommendations along the way.
  • 3 min read
Hormones are chemical messengers, secreted by glands, that direct the function of various processes in your body, such as growth and development, metabolism, sexual function, mood and reproduction. You are at your most fertile during your 20's and early 30’s. From your mid-30’s onwards, fertility drops off until menopause. So, even before menopause, as we age, estrogen levels will start to decline and, as estrogen is in every cell of the body, this can also have an impact on skin health.
  • 6 min read
Nourish the skin you’re in with the super, nutrient-packed, power-punch wallop of the tiny little goji berry. But what, exactly, is a goji berry, aka wolfberry, you ask?
  • 4 min read
Listening to the messages your body sends would be much easier if the noisiness of everyday living didn't get in the way. Finding true moments of quiet, in a world whirling with distractions, takes effort.
  • 5 min read
Valentine's Day isn’t all rose petals and candy hearts, but it can be pretty bittersweet. Given that more of us are opting to mingle less, in light of the pandemic, a holiday that revolves around coupling and idealized romance, seems ripe for another rebrand. 
  • 3 min read
Our body and skin HEALS itself – this is beyond celebratory. It’s not just one ingredient that heals (it never is), but groups that work together in a rhythmic harmony, that only Nature controls. We just study, and apply, and appreciate all that it is.
  • 4 min read
“Well, it’s easy enough to breathe and stretch and be healthy when everything is fine,” said the nurse practitioner through her N-95 mask “but this is what you’ve been practicing for. Now you need to use the tools you have been given.”
  • 6 min read
When I was in my late teens, my mom used to slide magazine clippings under my bedroom door with headlines about “the dangers of tanning”. She’d include notes saying things like “if you won’t listen to me, read this,” or simply “FYI.” After a few emergency trips to the local dermatologist to treat my bright red, blistering, sunburned chest, she was desperate to save my youthful, delicate skin. For my friends and me, however, tanning outdoors slathered in baby oil, or indoors confined within skin-searing tanning beds, was our way to a dreamy, ‘healthy’ glow. My mom pleaded, “But honey you have such fair skin.” Enraged, I’d snarl back at her “I do not. I get very tan.” Coming from a green-eyed, red-haired, freckle-faced young woman, it seems absurd that at one point I even yelled at her “my complexion is olive!” Such is youth and the naïve destruction of the youthful skin for which we all now pine.
  • 3 min read
