Model, Mama, beauty entrepreneur and with a movie star husband to boot, Emma Heming Willis is as refreshingly un-Hollywood as they come. Raised by a single mom, she has been an icon in the fashion industry for the past 20 years. She’s humble, down-to-earth and deadpan funny, and not only runs the Willis ship, but also her growing beauty empire CocoBaba; a sustainably sourced skincare line of Coconut Oil products for all moms, moms-to-be or when you just want to feel mothered.
Below, she gives us a glimpse into some of her fave things (the girl still likes a burger once in a while!), and finally answers the question that’s been on everyone’s lips, which of her hubby’s iconic movies, is her favorite?
Emma Heming Willis
1. What is your favorite time of the day? Early morning! I love waking up before my family. It’s a time when my brain is fresh, and I can get so much work done without any interruptions.
2. What’s in your purse? iPhone, hand sanitizer, Kat Burki hand therapy, pen and small notepad.
3. Fave drugstore product? Maybelline Lash Discovery mascara.
4. Beauty hack your mom taught you? Use coconut oil for EVERYTHING.
5. Guilty pleasure fast food? Carl’s Jr. Western Bacon cheeseburger. Hold the BBQ sauce. I just can’t eat it anymore, because it gives me heartburn!
6. Last thing you bought that gave you real pleasure? Anything during Black Friday. I love a good deal.
7. Currently binging? Succession.
8. Fave movie your hubby starred in? Oh, that’s a hard one. I do love Sixth Sense. I adore a good plot twist.
9. Which words or phrases do you most overuse? “You know what I mean”.
10. Your signature scent? Pure Jasmine, by Behnaz Sarafpour,
11. What do you consider the most overrated virtue? Being busy.
12. Current theme song? Bryan Adams and Tina Turner’s “It’s only love”.
13. First album you bought? Beastie Boys License to Kill.
14. When was the last time you cried? Yesterday.
15. Which talent would you most like to have? Writer.
16. What is the quality you like most in a man? A good sense of humor.
17. What is the quality you like most in a woman? Being trustworthy.
18. Beauty rituals you’re most faithful to? Weekly masking.
19. First celebrity crush? River Phoenix.
20. Proudest moment? Right now, it’s watching my two daughters become more self-sufficient and reliable.