Pregnancy is a wild ride full of all kinds of changes, some joyous and others confusing. While your body is busy brewing a little one for nine months, navigating the more puzzling paths of pregnancy (think food, skincare products safe for pregnancy, and physical changes) can be difficult without a guide. No worries, KB is here to help you captain this journey healthily through high-quality infoand nourishing products.
To learn how to find skincare products safe for pregnancy, along with the ins and outs of skin changes during this transitional period and how to scope out the skincare ingredientsnot safe for your blossoming body, read on:

Whole Nutrition Skincare and What to Know Before Choosing Skincare Products Safe for Pregnancy
At Kat Burki, we create our products with Whole Nutrition Skincare in mind. After all, we knowcertain foods can enrich and fortify your body, gut, and skin. Since the skin is your largest organ and is constantly changing during pregnancy, our exclusive Whole Nutrition Skincare approach can replenish, nourish,and invigorate it from the inside out for a healthy, glowing complexion.
You can look at Whole Nutrition Skincare like this: Your skin – like any other organ in your body – needs specific nutrients to function properly. Similar to how a piece of fruit offers you a range of nutrient-dense goodness that serves your body (and bun in the oven!), all KB products can do the same because they’re developed to mimic the nutritional profiles of beneficialfruits andveg.
When it comes to skincare products safe for pregnancy – there are a few facts and stats that you may want to keep in mind:
- Many skincare ingredients are considered pregnancy-safe, such as benzoyl peroxide and vitamin C; these ingredients can help with common pregnancy side effects likemelasma and acne (more on these below)
- Skincare ingredients can beabsorbed into your bloodstream and may affect the growth and development of your baby, which is why many doctors recommend not using certain types of skincare during pregnancy
- During pregnancy, your skin may be more sensitive, which can cause you to experience reactions to skincare products that you’ve used for years (along with any new ones); try to use gentle, fragrance-free products, making sure to introduce them to your skin slowly
KB PREGNANCY TIP: To make sure you don’t have to deal with any reaction hiccups during pregnancy, make sure to do a thorough patch test before usingany skincare products.

A Look At Potential Skin Changes During Pregnancy and Your Skin’s Microbiome
KB is passionate about keeping your skin microbiome in tip-top shape through replenishing formulas your skin will crave. If you’re a microbiome newbie, here are the deets: It’s a community of microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, and viruses) that call the surface of your skin home. It also plays a role in your skin’s health and helps protect against harmful pathogens.
Like fingerprints, each person’s skin microbiome is unique and can be influenced by things like genetics, the environment, and skincare products. Pregnancy can cause a change in hormones (think estrogen and progesterone), which can influence your skin microbiome’s health. This may cause the microorganisms on your skin microbiome to change in type and amount.
KB PREGNANCY TIP: Hormonal and skin microbiome shifts can lead to conditions like acne, eczema, psoriasis, and rosacea, along with changes in skin texture during pregnancy. Not only this but changes in your skin microbiome can cause sensitivity and inflammation, too.
Here are a few potential (and totally normal!) skin changes during pregnancy that many women may experience in relation to their skin microbiome:
Excess Sebum, Acne, and the Pregnancy Glow
When looking up skincare products safe for pregnancy, did you get bombarded with a lot of info about sebum and acne? Sebum – a waxy substance your body makes to keep your skin moisturized – is produced excessively during pregnancy. This is because your oil glands are working double as hard in connection to the hormonal shifts that happen when you’re pregnant.
In addition, your body’s production of blood increases by 50% during pregnancy, resulting in more blood circulation. This – coupled with the excess sebum – is responsible for the “pregnancy glow” you often hear people chatting about. If you’re pregnant and dealt with the woes of acne beforehand, then pregnancy can often worsen symptoms, as well.
If you’re dealing with excess sebum and acne during pregnancy, try:
- Cleansing your face morning and night with gentle skincare products safe for pregnancy
- Balancingyour skin’s pH level (which can take a beating during pregnancy) by using gentle products, like theKB PH+ Enzyme Essence
Are There Any Skincare Ingredients Not Safe for Pregnancy?
Pregnancy puts your entire being in a sensitive, transitional state. This means that extra precaution is needed to properly nourish your bodyand the little one depending on you for sustenance. Certain skincare ingredients are deemed no-nos during pregnancy becausethey can either enter your bloodstream and harm your baby or cause irritation to sensitive skin.
Some ingredientsnot safe for pregnancy are:
- Retinoids: Many experts will advise you to pass on any vitamin A derivatives (such asretinol andretinyl palmitate) during pregnancy as they have been linked to birth defects.
- Hydroxy Acids: Beta hydroxy acid (BHA) and alpha hydroxy acid (AHA) are used in skincare to treat acne, inflammation, and more. One of the most common BHAs is salicylic acid,but it’s not safe for pregnant women because it’s linked to birth defects and pregnancy complications.
- Hydroquinone: During pregnancy, some women experience askin hyperpigmentationcondition known asmelasma, or the “mask of pregnancy.” Many expecting mothers opt for products containing hydroquinone, but –according to experts – this ingredient needs to be avoided during pregnancy because it has a35 to 45% absorption rate.
- Parabens:Parabens are used in skincare to keep products fresh, but they don’t provide any skin-nourishing benefits. Parabenshavebeen proven to disrupt the balance of your hormones and are easily absorbed into your bloodstream, though.
- Certain Essential Oils: While essential oils are natural (and great for a whole host of things), theyaren’t regulated by the FDA. This means that brands don’t have to adhere to rigorous labeling requirements and can claim false safety. Some essential oils, like jasmine and clary sage, are known to even cause contractions.

How to Use Safe Skincare Products During Pregnancy With KB
At KB, we know the changes your body and life are going through as an expecting mother. There’s no need to stress about choosing the right skincare products safe for pregnancy and/or what ingredients you should avoid at all costs because you’ve got KB behind you; we’re here to provide you fast facts, nourishing information, and – most importantly – replenishing formulas designed with Whole Nutrition Skincare (along with you and your plus one) in mind.
If you’re looking to grab gentle products to ask your physician about, check out theKB Sensitive Skin Collection.Our best-sellingVitamin C Intensive Face Cream –especially – has expectant mothers raving about how it leaves their skin fortified, bright, healthy, and radiant.